
Giving regularly to Tibet Relief Fund

Your support matters!

We will put your regular gift to immediate work by:

Reaching the most vulnerable Tibetans, particularly elderly people and children

Ensuring that Tibetan children get an education

Helping Tibetans gain access to a home, healthcare, food and clean drinking water

How we spend your donations

With your support we enable Tibetans to live a full life, fighting for their personal independence, equality and opportunity in Tibet, Nepal and India. Read about our current projects

Start giving £3 a month

Start giving £5 a month

Start giving £10 a month

You can also become a Hope Giver today and support a specific project with your monthly donation.

Other ways you can give:

By cheque, payable to “Tibet Relief Fund” – simply send to Tibet Relief Fund, 2 Baltic Place, 287 Kingsland Road, London, N1 5AQ
By calling 020 3119 0041, Mon – Fri 9:30am – 5:00pm
By bank transfer: Tibet Relief Fund of the UK, account no: 10831164, sort code: 16-00-16  Royal Bank of Scotland, London Belgravia Branch, 24 Grosvenor Place, London, SW1X 7HN

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