
2013 Tibet Relief Fund Raffle winners!

Tibet Relief Fund 2013 Raffle winners

The Tibet Relief Fund raffle helps raise much needed funds for education and health projects we are involved with. Many thanks to prize providers and all those that purchased tickets. Congratulations to the lucky winners below.

The winners are

Mr Stephen Scadden – £1000

Mr John Eynon – £600 bed from www.naturalbedcompany.co.uk

Mrs Jane Mathur – Apple iPad

Miss Fiona Feather – Amazon Kindle e-Reader

Mrs Margaret Ayton – £108 gift voucher from www.garudashop.com

Mrs Barbara Hunt – Off-grid retreat for two from www.quietearth.org.uk

Ms Frankie Badcock – Hiking boots from www.ethicalwares.com

Ms Jacqueline Andrews – Delicious three-course meal in the UK’s only Tibetan restaurant, Kailash Momo

Mrs Hilary Cox – TRF customised eco iPhone speakers from www.speakaboo.co.uk

Mr Davis Howell – A hamper of award winning Stokes sauce

Thanks again to

www.naturalbedcompany.co.uk/tibet.php – A beautiful £600 ‘Tibet’ bed made of solid wood with a bold and linear contemporary design

www.garudashop.com – A £108 gift voucher for Himalayan art, books, jewellery, clothing or accessories from Garuda Trading

www.quietearth.org.uk – A weekend retreat for two at the amazing off-grid, self-sustainable eco lodge at Quiet Earth in Wales worth £100 (Travel to and from the location is not included)

www.ethicalwares.com – A pair of rugged part-fabric vegan ‘Tibet’ hiking boots worth £93

www.kailashmomo.com – A delicious three-course meal with a bottle of wine for two people at the UK’s only Tibetan restaurant in South East London

www.speakaboo.co.uk – A personalized ‘Chameleon’ SpeakaBoo eco-friendly acoustic speaker for an iPhone (limited edition TRF)

www.stokessauces.co.uk – A hamper of award-winning and delicious Stokes sauces and preserves

Stay informed!

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