
Namgyal Nurses

Location New Delhi
Type Education
Amount £1,585

Background and project
Pema Bhuti and Kalsang Dolma are two wonderful young trainee nurses we are supporting through their education.

Pema and Kalsang both come from Tibetan settlements in Nepal and both dream of becoming nurses.

Work opportunities for Tibetans in Nepal are severely restricted but working within Tibetan settlements is permitted. Both Pema and Kalsang are eager to get qualified so they can return to Nepal and serve their own communities.

They are now well in to their third year of their four-year nursing degrees and are passing their exams with flying colours.

Pema is particularly keen to be able to work with Tibetans on mental health issues in the future because…

“… people might look fine physically, but on the inside they are suffering and need support.”

Pema and Kalsang will graduate in 2018 and we will be watching with keen interest to see what comes next for these hard-working, committed young women.

Stay informed!

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