
Tibet Matters: Changing times, changing needs

Along with our new mission and vision, we have also undertaken research to help us understand the current needs and challenges facing Tibetan communities. This included an extensive field trip to settlements in Nepal and northern India.

Over the last 60 years there has been great development and change for Tibetans living in exile, including access to good education and better infrastructure within settlements. A success story!

However, there is still much to be done, particularly in Nepal where Tibetans face enormous obstacles in building sustainable livelihoods. Over the next year we will be refocusing our work to meet the new landscape of living in exile and, where we can to expand our work inside Tibet.

We don’t know what the future for Tibetans will look like, but Tibet Relief Fund will be there.

Photo: Student at Tibetan Homes Foundation, India

Photo: Tibetan Transit School Kitchen, Dharamsala

You can help

Given the decades that have passed since the initial crisis that saw so many Tibetans flee their country, there is now little awareness of the continuing occupation of Tibet and a diminishing interest in its impact on the lives of Tibetans. This year we can change that, but we’ll need your help.

There will be lots of ways for you to get involved and help us sto shine a light on Tibet, creating conversations and sparking action. Here are just some things we will be doing….

Our first big campaign for you to get involve in has already launched! Follow the link to read all about ~Time4Tibet https://tibetrelieffund.co.uk/time4tibet/


6 July- Meditate for Tibet 2019

31st July- Our birthday!! And special 60th Anniversary Raffle Draw

4th August- RideLondon

29 Oct- 10 Dec- 60th Anniversary Art Auction

Stay informed!

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