
Power to Ngoenga school

Location Ngoenga school, Dehra Dun, India
Type Health and education
Amount £7,217

Ngoenga school offers rehabilitation, education and residential care to Tibetan children with special needs.

The school is in an area with a notoriously poor electricity supply. Power cuts are common and can last for hours or even days. When the power goes, pupils and staff have no access to running water (which is drawn by electric pump from a deep well). They have no lights, no heating and no means of grinding up the food that some children with profound disabilities rely on.

For 20 years they had been relying on a backup generator to provide electricity during the power cuts. This old generator broke down often and could not be relied on to work when it was needed.

We are happy to have been able to give a grant to the school to buy a new, reliable generator. The new machine was installed at the end of 2016, just in time to make sure they have a reliable source of power during the cold winter.

The staff and pupils at the school are thrilled with their new generator and hope it will last them many years to come.

We would like to say thank you to both the Rainford Trust and St. James’ Place Foundation for their grants towards the purchase of the generator.

Stay informed!

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